— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dude, a detective

I sit at night with my back to the door. I write with a girl. Behind the back I hear the door open and a woman enters. I lightly press al + tab and I have time to close the window. In the incognito mode, history is not preserved. The window leaves, but the wife feels awkward approaches and says:
Q: What are you there just that turned around?
I: Yes, I played in tanks, I finished and got out of the game.
J: You did not do anything else. Open the browser.
Opening and there porn site (forgot to close last time)
Are you watching porn again?
A stone fell from my soul.
I am happy to see a little.
A: "good " and he goes away.
For the first time in my life, I admitted that I was watching porn. Pornography saved my life.

Divorce your wife, don’t torture her. Why do you need her at all if you watch porn, then you talk to girls?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna