— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I appeal to the cyclists! We live in a free country, and what to move in space is your choice. But why are you everywhere demanding that drivers and pedestrians comply with the GDPR (and we do in most cases), while most of you are breaking everything and everything?
Why did none of you read P.24? Why do you think you have the right to go to the red light? Why do you drive on pedestrian crossings?
On the latter, I want to say separately. All distances specified in the Rules, standards of equipment for pedestrian crossings, etc. They are primarily focused on the speed of pedestrians, as well as the reaction of the average person to the sudden appearance of pedestrians. So, the average human reaction is simply physiologically insufficient to have time to react to a moving person. Therefore, please get off the bike, so as not to injure yourself and not to hurt the driver.
I have everything.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna