— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The same bobber in miniature, this is what it is a water rat, and the usage of the

Likewise, the color, the tail, indeed, the rat, but who of us is without shortcomings?

I was written on one pond, I was sitting there at night, every weekend.

Early in the morning, one caught - no noise and dust; began to notice a rat.

He went back here for business. Similarly noted

me and the watershed, looking - a man quiet, sat nearby and

began to study carefully. Word for word, we met. Throw a piece.

Bread and then it turned out that it was a rat: the first thing carefully

Then he brought home his wife and children, and then he began to eat.

holding a lump in the front legs, chewing thoughtfully, looking at me.

He called - Shurik, painfully funny and businessfully he swept through the entire reservoir;

Fishing was fun for both of us.

Excellent was a family man - always the first bite included in the nest under the bush;

Once brought my husband - show me, acquaintance she, apparently,

approved, but no more in the male company showed, it is understandable,

The house is full of concerns.

Sometimes bringing friends to praise the companion, you will shout: "Shurik! There is

Walk!", and carry a brown torpedo of rats from any corner of the pond.

There are no wild animals in nature, there are only attentive animals.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna