— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A four-year-old Sergey took office at the entrance to the school. This was his first duty in school and he had to justify his trust. Raised on the examples of the heroes of civil and great domestic, Seroga knew that "to retreat nowhere - behind Moscow! » And although behind his back was not Moscow, but his native school, he knew that he would not leave the post like that boy, from the story "Honest Word". But the first offender is a tenth-grade student, trying to cross the boundary of Seregina's responsibility. Shallowed by his own foolish courage, Serega stood on the path of the perpetrator and barely heard his strictest voice:

No change of shoes.

What is? I was crazy about such boldness.

I will not change!

Are you not upset, little girl? With these words, the ten-class student easily lifted the little boy from his ankles to his level and hit him quickly with his head in the face.

Siroga, from horror pulled his head into his shoulders and closed his eyes, apparently because of this, something went wrong. A ten-class student with a blood-wracked face ran into the medical unit, and Seroga, rubbing a speck on the speck, remained in office.

As long as such Serenes guard our borders, peaceful people can sleep peacefully.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna