— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sitting at home and not doing it is an intersex model of behavior. You are talking about wives, and there are guys who are not seldom even husbands who don’t work, and all day cut into computer games. Or on the couch with a beer in front of the TV, while ladies feed them at work, and then at home. I know a couple who are champions in this regard. They both do not work, are interrupted by random earnings, have no housing, so they live by relatives who shelter, one mom from the village each week kicks them the refrigerator, the other throws money on small expenses. They are sitting at home in front of the company, they are all satisfied. Three years of such life, flight is normal. The lazy people sit on the neck of those who are willing to drag them on themselves.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna