— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here recently one comrade parodied a popular nostalgia for Soviet childhood. Type "and I also had an Orlenok bicycle with a titanium frame..." Well, okay, let's leave it to his conscience. Let me tell you about my childhood.

I learned to read at three. Without my mom, I have been walking in the yard since I was five years old. At 7 p.m. we moved to a new apartment.

A new building was built around. The boy adapted to cut lead from armored telephone cables and cast loads for the girls. I read about the melting temperature of lead on the rear side of my grandfather's logarithmic line. I saw nearby that the lead was melting even easier. For some reason I thought that the electrical wires of white metal are lead. He smashed his friends. It failed the first time. In general, built from bricks a domain furnace meter in diameter with inflatable and so on. They flooded. It turned out to be aluminum. 660 degrees Celsius on raw wood. Do not say that it is impossible. Until now, there is still roasting at home. I learned metallurgy at eight years old.

They gave us a used bike. The same eagle. While he brought him in order with the help of friends in the courtyard, he studied all the mechanics, learned to reduce the eight. The Oreguliroal was so large that he drove strictly straight without his hands. I used the car only occasionally. At the age of nine he mastered the basics of mechanics and carpentry.

In the third grade I read the book "Man on Wings". and Panel. The aircraft circle. From the planner model to the cordeous models. Regulation of the motors CSTKAM-2.5... While recounting the wing profiles of the CAGI A-2 from the epur profile - mastered the logarithmic line (in the fifth class). In the sixth, he calculated the parameters of propellers and the lifting force of the wing. That is, to calculate the aerodynamic scheme of a subsonic aircraft I was able from the fifth-sixth class. It ended with an attempt to assemble a radio-controlled model based on the book "Flight, Model". Because he was intrigued by the electorate while trying to assemble a management scheme.

Seventh-eighth grade could quite assemble a radio receiver, an accelerator and color music. It gave the pin in another direction. I wanted to make print payments. He studied the chemistry of this process. Three chlorine iron. But very little. So he developed his technology. He did not paint the conductors on the plot of the paycheck, but sprinkled the entire paycheck with the lacquer. And then scratched the lacquer in those places where the foil had to be sprinkled. The reaction was less. Interested in chemistry.

The chemistry led to chemical bombs made of selenium and magnesium, and then to rockets from a bicycle pump. Rockets fled into dreams of space.

In addition, he became interested in programming on the calculator MK-52, and theoretically mastered the fortran on the book.

After school he went to the space faculty. Already having good experience in material science, slurry work, production technology, subsonic aerodynamics, electronics, chemistry and the fundamentals of programming in machine codes. Almost an engineer.

And you keep catching Pokémon, dear ones.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna