— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was in the fifth grade then, and my older sister was in the eighth, and it was winter in the yard, and with the permission of my parents, I sat with them and watched television until late in the evening. My sister went to bed early. And then my parents told me that it was time to go to bed (it was about 12 o’clock, or maybe the beginning of the first). I went to my room, at this time my sister woke up from a natural need to go to the toilet and, seeing me, asked that she had already missed school. What I answered was that she was already decently late and it was time to go out, she began to get messy, run to wash, and I just took it and went to bed. Our mother, seeing her sister dressing around the apartment at night and going, asked her what she was doing?, which was answered that she was late to school. Literally a minute later, my sister ran into the room and started screaming at me that I had cheated on her.

That day we both stood at different corners for a very long time, and in the morning we went to school.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna