— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Simple coupe, I am like a cockroach, on the top shelf.
People were, if you look at them, obviously intelligent! They ate and began to eat peanuts.
After forty minutes, after the destruction of the gift of the southern batch, they got the pot! Here my extrasensory feeling felt awkward! The bottle was with tomatoes! I don’t know which alien frog told them to fill 100 grams of tomatoes with half a kilogram of garlic, but it’s a fact! They ate him! The woman refused and again disappeared in the technological holes!
At that moment, completely betrayal, came the night! They all slept like white people. Within forty minutes, we realized that we were in the savannah, the planet of hell! For, by nothing else, the roar of the ass of a lovely grandmother can explain nothing but the roar of the gin, bitten by the marid for the most holy!
Then we smelled war...the smell was terrible! I regretted at that moment that Lovecraft had died, he would have composed an entire collection until he had died of the smell!
Grandpa was silent, he was calm, this gas apparently calmed him.
The battle of the grandmother's stomach with the sting continued until three nights! The people began to roll in the neighboring compartment, apparently the poison leaked through the holes and caused terrible dreams!
At three o’clock at night, I realized that Satan was around and what power he possessed – grandfather exploded, well, I thought so! Ktolhu and Shab Niggurat just cried, although no one can rule out that it was my tears.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna