— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Idiot tasks are discussed in primary school:
We live with a grandmother who can’t tolerate animals, so we didn’t have them. And here is that silly topic with pets. I have a daughter and so-called, and it just got out of itself. I already explained to her in the 108th circle why we don’t have and can’t have animals, which means we won’t write or glue anything in this chapter. And it’s not all behind:"Why is it? Why?" I said:"Because we have a grandmother!!The daughter turned away and I considered the topic closed. But, damn, a few days later, my grandmother caused me a wild scandal. My daughter began to boast of her with this album and showed her the page “My Pets” with a glued grandmother’s photo and a signature of a cowboy “Instead.” My grandmother" On the scream of my grandmother, she said that my mother said so.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna