— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From a dialogue with a friend, discussed with her birth (born in the same nursery):

I: - I'm going to bear, I'm giving birth, I mean, the head of my son. A husband, a midwife and a doctor are actively involved in the process. At this point, an aunt from the medical staff enters the nursery with a bowl full of food, and says, "And now it's time to eat! Here we have strawberries, soups, cakes, potatoes, all hot and fresh! I’ll go out and I’ll say, maybe later. It will cool, it will not taste good. Let her husband eat it! The pale man responds with his head. She is so upset: "Well, let it stand near then".
P: It is nothing. When I was giving birth, I was given an epidural (epidural anesthesia), carried out a cesarean section, pulled out the baby and taken to weigh. I lie down, therefore, cut, underneath the titles and hands I feel nothing, with the feeling that all the intestines are out. And then in the chamber comes to me also a aunt from the medical staff and terribly asks: "You will vote???". I, hardly remembering that today is election day, replied to her: "Of course I will! Weather, just after the passport to the chamber I go and come". The aunt condemned as a hole slang, and proudly departed.

How do you like to give birth? 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna