— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hello to all, dear Pickups!

A year ago I visited a water park in Kazan. After bathing started gathering and needed to dry the hair with a moisturizer. As always before me was a line of 6 ladies, to one fan and a man 8 to another fan at the other end of the dressing room. What to do, we will have to wait. But suddenly my gaze fell on the fan, which no one uses and there is no turn to it. He hanged on a wall with a fork disconnected from the router. I approach the fan and hear a woman from the neighboring line saying, “And he doesn’t work! The other adds, “Yes, it doesn’t work.” But by connecting the device to power, the fan worked. At that moment, I felt the looks of an "achtighitrajopo".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna