— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My son goes to school by father. Once, they went away, and I look — the shift lies. And the husband does not take the phone with him, he then returns home. What to do? I waited until they came out of the entrance and called from the balcony. My husband says, give up. Walking is lazy, the elevator in the morning to wait a long time, a peak hour, because, shaped. The ninth floor. I thought I should not get on the roof of the entrance and on the roof of any car. I didn’t have time to think about the trees – I gave up. and ah. In general, our wreath hanged on the top branch of a tree that grows under the window. At the level of the third floor, the agah is well hanged, with both rope bars. The child had to go home for a replacement. Morality is obvious

The Tyrant:
So got the shoes?

Lila got it. This is a separate fairy story. In short, I climbed onto a tree and sprinkled the branch on which the swing hanged (it was already very thin to climb further). Now I walk by, I look and I am terrified.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna