— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Kotъ-Begemotъ: A advice for some fresh catastrophe film
Mihuil: I can suggest a script
Mihuil (on the barge): 2009 Ukrainian nationalists are no longer paying for gas. Russian xenophobes are blocking the valve.
Europe is freezing. But the President of Great America sends his agent (Bruce Will or Willis Smith) to kill the unbearable Yushchenko (M. Freeman). Instead of him comes to power Y. Tymoshenko (N. Kidman).
She goes to Moscow for talks and seduces the President of Russia (S. Gruchin). (Erotic scene in the mausoleum)
Then he opens the valve, but it's too late - all Europeans have died of wild frost ( -10 C). The prime minister is more principled – he cannot forgive the weaknesses of his president and puts an explosive in his helicopter (a scene with a helicopter exploding).
After that, he seizes power in Russia and Ukraine, but it does not stop there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna