— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I watch a show where people make transformations. That is, a aunt with a birth spot on the cheek. As a child, I was laughed at, and I had no boys. But then I married. My husband’s friends started telling him that his wife was ugly and he started drinking, then we started scandals, he told me that I was ugly and not worthy of living. When I was nine months pregnant, he took a tail and tried to snatch me with a tail, but hit the bed and I ran away. When the child was a year old, he stole a gun, came home, raped me in front of the child’s eyes, and then led us to the cemetery, saying that we would dig our own graves and he would kill us. On the way we met his friend and his husband shot him in the hand. For this he was put in prison. After he got out of prison, my parents persuaded me to keep my family. My husband betrayed me. One day I came home and found him with a woman right in bed. This is the last drop!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna