— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In general, Scots are very proud of their country and everyone who celebrates it - in souvenir shops along with T-shirts, bands and magnets lies a bunch of books about Scotland, from children's fairy tales to today's popular "Alien". But with the poor Rowling everything is quite sad (in the sense, Rowling herself is sad, and the rest is very even fun!) It seems that every Scottish knows where she started writing her famous book (and that Rowling hasn’t been there for a long time because there’s a continuous anshlag there), where she ended it (this hotel was also solemnly shown to us), where the train on which Harry went to Hogwarts (tickets for him sold out for three months ahead), what college Rowling was inspired in the process of creating Hogwarts, and where Hargrid’s house stood, which after the shootings were dismantled. The guide was very surprised why we were not interested in it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna