— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The far summer of 2011. I changed clothes, changed clothes and went home. At the time, as a young professional, I dressed simply, adhering to a sporty style. Jeans, shoes, backpacks, clothes with a cap were the basis of my unfashioned wardrobe. Under the eyes circles, the eyes themselves are red. I go down in the subway and here I am stopped by employees, then like the police. Verification of documents. I found my passport at home and no other documents. Ask to open the backpack. They asked themselves, there were shoes and shape in the laundry. After the discovery of the shirt with the inscription "ambulance" in the whole back at once bored. One even remembered me and apologized. We took his partner with a heart attack from the workplace.
I made the conclusion that it was time to change the style and look at yourself in the mirror after the change.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna