— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The trigger:
The fact is that it is not easy to catch a tripease. The specificity of clutching is that any tripease (and the Marlesian more so) must be firmly held by the bucket. It is worth weakening the grip, and the muzzga will splash from the trepiasda coconuts in different directions, spreading the smell of rotting nuggets. By the way, it will become inappropriate, bored and shrinking will lose all its discomfort. Marlesian nurses from ancient times have taught their husky strongly and correctly to hold the buffalo. As the old saying goes - "Tripeazas you shrink - a mommy you shrink".

You are a sofa theorist, have you at least once swallowed a live tripease? Could he be able to catch it, even stronger? The tripeas should be taken gently, under a myrtle. And by the time they come together to catch only meals and meals, so they and tripeas do not live for a long time. This has also proved that if you want to maintain the productivity of your tripeaside for longer, then you need to treat it carefully.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna