— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ]
After school came when I had 2 friends and wanted to drink, I did not drink, but as a hospitable man poured my dad’s water. I drank half a bottle. But here is how to reimburse so that I don’t get off-the-top – I didn’t think. The men offered to give water. Only one butt bottle with a jerk valve. Lili water as if something had gotten into a bottle. Well, I put it in the freezer - my father came after work and wanted to bump. Not here it was, the water in the valve above froze. He looks at me, and I take my eyes to the side, says drunk! I ask how did I know? So he says, I have what you didn’t have in your childhood...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna