— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Well, dear ones, children can still be loved, and with extremely rare exceptions, this is mutual, children give us beautiful emotions, and when they grow up they can give us grandchildren, and you love your saved money, apartments and nurses, maybe this will be your happiness... maybe.

Yes, precious, they can be loved. You can not love. You can still love, but at a distance. In the second and third cases, it is much more logical not to give birth to them than to give birth only because of the fact that it is so, or because of the notorious glass of water, and then the whole life to be crushed about this, throwing evil on poor unfortunate children, not guilty of having given birth to them, but not able to love them. And it is not up to you to decide who or what in this life should or should not be loved, for whom or what to live, etc.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna