— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered here. He was young and went to the zoo with his father. We go from the subway, summer, the sun shines, a street musician plays. They work on several instruments at once. Slow up and listen. Here the uncle says - Oh, hello Vitka. Batin was known, a fellow student appeared. Well, they stood up, smoked, spent their lives. A, the musician and says to my father, he said "spatched" goes with a child, help the money out of him. I pulled my father a large note, I don't remember what, well, roughly speaking, a thousand. Kinney, he says, puts it in my coffin when it comes. And indeed, the same path goes the classic "new Russian". A raspberry jacket, a chain with my wrist, with it my daughter is small. We stand and listen to music. Dad’s friend begins to music with the maximum number of instruments. The girl says something to her broken dad. They stop, they watch. My brother, with such a contemptible look, casts away this businessman and lazyly gets the carpenter. He throws it into the cough. The new Russian is staring at us, playing the bullshit and also pulling his wallet. He throws a pair of banknotes, let it be in five pieces, in a coffre. The father makes the face of the humiliated man, cleans his wallet and hides his eyes. Well, and the new Russian is not in a hurry, the thriller is removed. This batin friend eventually gave for the help of the "stitch". My father refused, but he insisted. My father fed me ice cream that day.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna