— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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44661 (saved 2009-01-21 at 18:00)
100% what did you do?
The entire staff of the office fell under the tables and could no longer take the tests.

My acquaintance had a similar case. They and their son (5 years old) came to donate blood from the finger, the doctor says to the child:"Now you will have a berry on the finger". And weaved the needle in the finger, blood went naturally. The boy looked surprised at what was happening and said:"Nihua has a berry..."

Parents like you and your friends need to be killed, slowly and brutally. and then you eat, fool, you will be surprised, say, what a generation has gone, here we were quite different, good, and now the youth has completely dissolved..."
You are fools, you are brainless fools. Fuck you shit shit!
Odin, the cat, the shredder, the blonde, oh fuck!
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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna