— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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For a week she pulled me to her country, all the way hinting on dishonesty, in the end, at the country I was handed a spade and 6 acres of unspoiled land, when the strawberries had already begun to grow to my arms, in my hands the saw was rolled over and a new goal was set, an old apple tree, in the reach more on an oak smiling, then a cute creature visited the absence of a shelf in the summer kitchen, which was considered a new goal, for my labor feats.
Close to the evening, when even the Negro slaves on the plantations see a third dream, and the proletariat prays for me as for a Communist god who made a five-year-old a day, I was exposed for work a projectile of 2.5 liters with a compot of hemp and salmon, then I loaded my back with a divinely soft mattress and a fabulously puffy and sweetly sounding pillow. Most likely, already in a dream, I noticed a silhouette on the background of the window, which somehow moved smoothly and did something with his skin, probably removed from himself...
And now for a week in the office the topic is that I am IMPOTENT, and after all she is so beautiful, she was wearing such underwear and she turns out to be striptease dancing for me!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna