— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The worst graduate of the law school of one of the American universities was hired as a lawyer for one of the country’s loudest cases. He received the largest non-refundable cash advance of all universe graduates in his entire history.
How could this happen?
Points for entering the university this comrade lacked and took it by mistake. Also, by mistake was deducted for failure not him, but another guy. He graduated and became a bachelor of law.
After countless attempts, he succeeded in passing the examination for the license of a lawyer. He then offered his services for more than a year, but has never been hired by anyone and has not participated in any court proceedings. and plunged. He settled in an ordinary firm and worked there as a simple clerk for 35 years.
At this point, the company collapsed and he was left unemployed. Here is that loud voice. He offered his services and they took it.
Why is?
We were looking for a defender with the best service list. And he wrote about himself: He obtained the license of a lawyer 35 years ago. Since then, he has not lost a case.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna