— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Did you know that salmon has lice? These small (up to 1.5 cm) parasites drink the blood of fish, eat them and carry diseases. Salmon farms, where hundreds of thousands of fish live in one place, are the perfect place for lice. What is this about technology?"

Norway is the largest producer of salmon. To combat parasites there invented a cool thing - a submarine drone Stingray. Using computer vision, he recognizes lice on fish and shoots them from a distance of up to 2 meters with a green laser, similar to what is used in surgery. Parasites are instantly roasted, and the laser does not harm the fish - the scaly reflects the rays. One plant per day can destroy tens of thousands of parasites. This is not a laboratory concept – Stingray is already being used by more than 100 fish farms in Norway. A submarine drone, shooting from a laser on lice on salmon - sounds strange, looks futuristic, and most importantly - it is not a toy, but a really useful thing. This is really cool tech.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna