— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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During college, I ate 15 extra pounds. After graduation, she took herself into her hands, adjusted her diet, played sports and safely dropped those extra kilograms.

It is logical that girls who have weight problems periodically ask how I got it.

Well, on another such question, I am familiar with the principles of nutrition, about training. And the further I tell, the more she blames. Then he says, "that is, you want to say that you will have to give up sweet and flour and play sports?" I say, “Well, how would it be...” To which I am answered, "Well, before such a hernia I could have thought, I thought you would tell me something normal! “” He turns and leaves offended.

Then a common acquaintance she complained that I did not want to share a secret and rub her about the wild ZHZ. I don’t even know what she wanted to hear from me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna