— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When my mother was in graduate school, she got a new job. Time in the 90s was unrestful, but she was lucky, she arranged to work in the Federation Council.

On one of the beautiful spring days, she had to go to the universe to defend her dissertation. She agreed with the scientist for a certain time, but at work she was delayed and she was categorically late.

Her immediate boss (a good uncle, I know him) when he saw the sadness on the light forehead of my mistress, asked what the young girl was sad about. Well, she told him that the pre-defense was literally in half an hour, and she didn't have time, thought that the work would be less and she would leave earlier.

“That’s a question,” said the uncle and called somewhere. After 10 minutes, a car with flashes and an accompaniment was waiting for my mother. She managed to get into the universe exactly a few minutes before the start of pre-defense. I waited for 40 minutes for my lesson.

When he arrived, he said to my mother with an indiscriminate anger:

Do you imagine? All the roads to the university were blocked, a knuckle was driving with flashes. Here I am late.

My mother was modestly silent.

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