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Religion - Religion

Thank you for talking about the Hindu religion. The most strict with the consumption of meat is the situation in Jainism, the number of followers reaches 10 million people. It is unlikely that this religion can be attributed to the main. Probably the same pvstafaryan followers. already more. But not the essence.

The point is that if you dig deeper, the relative follow-up of vegetarianism in these religions derives from the postulate 'do not harm the living, in some cases it comes to refusing even to process the land, because 'doing harm to the living. That is, not large physical loads, the loss of energy from which can be compensated by vegetarianism.
If we remember the social system, climate and economic things, then a joyful picture is drawn: meat products are only available to the more or less wealthy strata, and the rest - become yogis, contemplate, eat vegetable food.

In most Hindu religions, vegetarianism is not mandatory.

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