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The Bookmaker
Electronic and paper have their merits. In paper I keep books that I want to read. Not all books are in electronic form. But in the subway, an e-book is more convenient, especially when it weighs a kilogram in paper. Paper books are valuable illustrations. I would like to have a book with illustrations by Jon Bauer in paper form. and "the history of Rome from the founding of the city" - too. There are many pages on which a dozen notes, some of which "see. by PREM. 4 to Chapter VI of Book X". And in my bookmarks in the e-book there I started to get confused, because notes to them cannot be left. In this case, a paper book would be much more convenient. And when it comes to finding a familiar place in the book that was needed for the mood, paper is also better. But in paper form I buy books either well-known authors, or those that I have already read in electronic form, because the space on the shelves has ceased to be enough for me for a long time. A family book of the 18th century, with gifted inscriptions, passed from generation to generation - this is not digitized. But for everyday use it is better electronic - it can be held in the subway with one hand, and when the first book of the cycle is over to open the second. to read the manga on paper - I will shoot myself so much to store... etc. Nails and screws are different and irreplaceable, unfortunately.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna