— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My brother was a member of the commission on the legalization of self-construction buildings. For a long time, a middle-aged woman went to them, trying to design some extension to the house. Very intelligent, very patient. Each time she was given new comments and sent for a certificate. She listened to everything carefully, scrupulously recorded it in the notebook and returned in a month, again received comments, again went for another certificate. This lasted about a year. And during her last visit, one of the commissioners, apparently by mistake, categorically stated that the adjustment could not be legalized for such a reason. The woman fell into a stupor for a couple of seconds, then placed all the present and some absent representatives of the authorities with a three-storey mat, thrown into them documents, turned and went out without saying goodbye, loudly knocking the door. The Chairman came first. He stood up, gathered all the sheets and thoughtfully spoke, addressing the members of the commission: "It is necessary to legalize."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna