— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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(from the blog)
I was checked out at the exit from Bali airport. Man was not a border guard, I crossed the borders. The reason - "a lot of Russians in Bali"! I broke the entire suitcase, touched the sandstone from Hong Kong, looked at underwear, women’s hygiene (sorry), book leaflets (and you just had to hit the surface so that everything fell out). How lucky are you?And it" showed me. And a lot more... I’m about it... I’m sure that Muslim women have a different attitude! You can walk in a niqab without showing your face. Why can't a woman in a niqab look, and I can't in shorts and a shirt? Why should I show my face and the contents of the suitcase, and the other woman would have an advantage? Where is Justice? Do you need tolerance for the nickabus or ordinary people? Why are there separate rooms for prayer at airports? Do you not have too many rights, believers? Muslims... Christians... I think it’s time to protect us – atheists! I am sorry, Nippon!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna