— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I worked at the ACS, day shift, noon.

A gray man, 50, comes to us and says they want to talk to me and sharply throws his cell phone into my hands. She was overwhelmed, but decided to listen to what they said. On the wire was the director of our large retail chain, who ordered me to give all the cash from the box and the safe to this gray citizen, otherwise he will be fired. Okay, she quietly pressed the alarm button, continuing to listen to the threats. And I will be fired and will not be taken to normal work for the rest of my life. Strong psychological pressure. Within a minute the GBR squadron arrived, I outlined the situation, the GBR quickly caught a gray man who cried that he was just a taxi driver and didn't know what he needed. They went to the table to inquire, called the police. The police arrived, I wrote an explanatory painting of what happened. I was saved by the fact that "yesterday" we were all informed about the possibility of such calls, after two days ago a new operator gave 500 thousand. cash for fraudsters.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna