— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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During the wonderful school years I had to visit Anapa, and not even in the hotel, but in the house of friends of my parents, there was a lot of fun, but here is one story most memorable.

Near the park there was such an interesting attraction - pay 100 rubles, walk on the sidewalks of obstacles in the form of scattered plastic bottles, a small hole, uneven surface and sand and get either a beer box or 1000 rubles. Having tried once I naturally fell on the very first obstacle and, laughing, we went home, although the sediment was small : D Well and of course I decided firmly that for a month of stay I would subdue this attraction. Upon coming home, my comrade and I gathered walking out of subordinate means (boards, sticks), they turned out to be heavier and higher and curier than those that were at the attraction in a million times, walking on them was a whole penalty, but the will to win led me through the darkness, and after ten days I walked on them barefoot, not noticing any obstacles on my way) Here, showing my parents their new skill, they invested in me 100 rubles and we with a friend went to this attraction again=) Should I say that after my elevated heavy and curvy halls these seemed to me as old good, more convenient shoes, on which I could not go, but almost fly, the obstacles I passed there and back without any problems and no trace of the holidays with D, who had not given me

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna