— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How to quit smoking.

The story of the old seaman.

I dropped it a few times, but it didn’t work forever.

They patrolled in the Atlantic along the coast of the United States. The nearest km

200 to 400.

In the underwater position you can not smoke, and here they went out to breathe. immediately to

Deck, one cigarette, the second immediately - relaxed, sat down, head

was rounded. Suddenly, seeing a helicopter, an emergency sinking. and I

As long as he realized what it was for, the luck had stumbled down...

It is useless to grind with the legs, the heels are rubber, the boat is also all outside.


Here I see the key for lifting the wooden ceiling. Pulled to Corps

Toughened Laminated Safety Glass 8. How he got into his hands – I don’t remember, but

His knock dive stopped, and I was launched. Soon after seeing my

The face, a glass of alcohol poured.

Two days left...

The rope on the key was broken...

After that, smoking doesn’t even pull.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna