— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A colleague asked for an external hard drive (bringing it somehow with him, so he saw it). I had a lot of files. I told him not to go through his personal documents. He promised that he would not do anything like that.

For the sake of interest, I cut the face of this colleague from the photo and inserted it into the porn video to the place of the actress. It all looked silly, dumb, but only if the intent was understood. He took this video, then in the folder "photos" on the hard disk created a folder "his photos", then created a folder "personal documents", then created a folder "personal photos", then created another hidden folder, etc. There were about 12 transitions. I added this video at the end.

When I got the hard drive back, he said I’m a finished dude and the jokes I’ve had are pudoric.

The question is, who of us is right?

P.S. When asked why he was sitting in my personal documents, he replied that “it was curious.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna