— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here I just bought a smartphone, 6 android 5500 p. Vacation in Thailand is not in the season 23 thousand for a row 12 days, in the season - 35. It is natural, 3*, we are working women, not bourgeois. Shirt - muton, "autoledi" from 25 to 45, there is nothing inaccessible. A monthly salary of 40,000. Food per week is about 5 thousand. Two children, school and institute. The car is an old Toyota, looks modest, but it will survive all your pelvis, on gasoline 4 thousand a month. What is wrong?! I have enough, a screwdriver and an electric lobby, which man I have in the house!?!? To spend a month on food not 16, but 30 thousand! To fly on vacation, not when I wanted, but when it was released, so important that 2 weeks can not be without it? To tell me what I eat and how to dress?Did you ask for the morning mines? You overestimate your role in a woman’s life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna