— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Protocols of divorce proceedings:
He is constantly dragging all kinds of shit into bed: the neighbor, the postman, then me.
- How to live with her, if she is a snake not by the Eastern calendar, but by life!
My breasts were swallowed! He has his finger there where others have what they need!
In people he is a fairy prince, and in bed he is an Ivanushka fool.
He betrayed me with whom I got before I got married when I was pregnant with his friend.
She rejoiced as a little girl when I sat on a cactus and broke the gloss with my head!
Why did I go out for him? Well, I think, since a man is drunk every day, it means he earns decent money!
"I met my husband for the first time in the toilet, where he was taken by mistake or drunk.
"The neighbor offered me to sleep with him quickly naked to his wife, whom I also didn't love and agreed.
It was only after the wedding that I understood my grandmother’s words: “Measure seven times and try once.”
- Heavy bodily injury did not cause her, but only slightly softened the tampon with mustard.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna