— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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R: This clown in half of the blog burns. And his schizophrenic folly is very helpful to anti-church propaganda.
M: Is he really God? and ;)
E: My friend in Israel’s son serves in a specially trained police unit working with the gods. The gods are a subtle soul organization. On average, one and a half gods come to Israel every week. One of them came from Greece. God was Horosh, a tall, young man with long dark hair and bright blue lenses. It was all in white blankets and with switches. He was speaking in Greek, gathering people around him. In Israel, our boys were already waiting for him.
R: And what did they do to him?
E: Don’t worry, nothing wrong, they talk to the gods, then decide whether to deport immediately or first provide medical care.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna