— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday Father Nicholas came from the monastery. In economic matters, the monastery is also a kind of enterprise, something is purchased from me from time to time.
We talk with him a little every time. A wide range of topics, from drunkenness to ISIS. I ask more, of course. I like him, he always answers something interesting, his look at a lot.
Yesterday I asked him what he thinks of Matilda.
Who is this? He asks.
- So the movie, - I say, - about the tsar, about the ballerina, everyone is now discussed, on TV is constantly shown, have you not heard?
He shrugged his shoulders:
No, we are not watching...
I left, and I think that’s an interesting thing. For a month, all the media as cockroaches in the kitchen with this Matilda are worn, in two ears we blow - the tsar, the ballerina, the fried, not the fried, the worshiping, the saint, the rpz, the cyril, scraps, prohibitions, Medina, Orthodox activists, threats, etc. T.P...
And here the people of God live peacefully and do not know.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna