— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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> Google, you have taken me!
> Google, get it done!

And I have questions about almost all browsers and their writers.
Don’t take the focus of the input out of the field I’m already printing in. The fact that the page is a little more loaded does not make the continuation of printing there somehow "dangerous", you don't have to catch my hands because of this.
But when at the time of the click the page has time to re-load / upgrade and have time to push a completely different link there, it can already be filled. Just take the coordinates of the element that was under the cursor at the time of redrawing and change the global scroll of the page so that they remain constant. The whole picture is shattered, except for pressing. If the page is not scrollable, just don’t take clicks somewhere for 0.3 seconds.
Everything is so simple, but it doesn't eat, we will do all the beautiful shit, and elementary convenience and safety is too difficult for us. Eat as your divides work. Only the spoon was stretched, ripped by the magnet to the table, not placed, you see, the steam is still going, the content has not stabilized. You're trying to take a sandwich, and there, on the contrary, a whistle and at the last moment, instead of it, a pleasant appears, and he's just off the side now - oh, we've got CSS loaded. As we washed our hands, everything dropped down and let’s start.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna