— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I stop at the entrance to get the keys out of the bag. Suits a fuzzy-known grandmother, a neighbor in the house, starts a conversation about the quarter (we were decently then thrown under the sauce of the home counter), complains that there is not enough money. She has her own pension, and her daughter is a widow with two children, turning as much as she can, but it is still hard. And the son-in-law died 2 years ago, he was good, kind, responsible, loved children, cared very much about the family.
And what happened, I ask with compassion, why did he die?
- Yes, drunk in the car was driving and crashed - the grandmother replies sadly.
Beautiful was the son-in-law, caring for the family and responsible, most importantly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna