— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Oh, we know this: I'm a kinesthetic, I like when I'm touched, and I'm calling you only coffee to drink, I didn't hint on sex and I don't want it at all.
Here already wrote a girl who was very surprised that on the dances they still meet.
Women and Girls (Surprise) It belongs to the category "people". And suddenly! want different things, even at different times the same girl may want sex, or meet just to talk, or self-affirm because of your attention to her person, or not want to meet anyone at all, but only to dance, or personally here with you do not want anything... Or maybe five minutes ago sincerely and fiercely wanted to give in person to you, and you suddenly said or did something that distracted her from this thought instantly or there grandmother-dead remembered suddenly, no little... There are some spherical women in the vacuum to which you can pick the universal key for each situation, unfortunately, only approximate recommendations that work on many, if lucky and if you are not too scary, bad smell or something else

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna