— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You have all the hiccups and hiccups here, and I’m home for the second day, I’m not going to work. Before yesterday after lunch, the stomach grew, and in the evening it only got worse. In the evening, his wife brought a healing bottle of Coca-Cola. In the thing! Everything burns in the stomach. Today it is easier. The night slept. I did not go to work again. I will watch more movies today. The slang seems to have been closed. The main thing is not to join again.
Morality: Coca-Cola in pharmacies, torrent movies, all health!

Suddenly, this thing is called a "rotavirus" and is actually treated with Coca-Cola. My wife and I are witnesses. Heal it there.
– is
Rotavirus passes in 2 days with the drug and in 48 hours without it. Therefore, it is necessary to add rum to the cola, it will be fun at least. However, in rum you can not add cola, it still kills all known microbes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna