— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a thing, I felt a lack of culture in the form of inability to dance properly and beautifully. Waltz, tango, foxtrot... beauty is! It looked like two months. This is what I will tell you - on the classic pair dances for a man - split! 20-30 ladies and 2-3 gentle men who feel like half-gods...The boyfriend lasted longer, almost a year. She was tired of blinking her partner's eyes when he was put with her, a disappointment, in a pair (well boys, have a conscience, change your partner!). She plunged into the matter. And to dance, that is, with the benefit for the body and mood to move outside of sex wanted. And pulling iron is not for everyone. There is a way out! Have you ever wondered why Eastern dances are so popular? A man is not needed! And it is not for the delight of the male eyes that a woman can dance for her own pleasure, as much as she can. And to the figure no complaints, there is something to shake - and great!
Dancing is offensive, yes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna