— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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with dairexxx: New garbage tanks, large, beautiful and clean, on wheels. They stand on an elevated site, delight the eye, are regularly taken out. And on these wheels of height they are approximately my keys.
I am for what. I have a little power now, and if the garbage bag is heavy – and in our family it is heavy in the overwhelming majority of cases – the process of throwing in my performance looks very colorful: I approach the machine, take a position on the site, estimate the distance, the force of the wind and the phase of the moon, concentrate, measure myself, holding the bags of the bag, slightly twist, make the final half-turn around the axis and with a tight "yeyeeh!" throw the projectile up in the direction of the tank.

Every day the thought is more persistent that I need the Russian national team:facepalm3:

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna