— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Q1: How did it go?
xy2: classic: the employer equipped the tool under the curtain, only the only suitable burr on 16mm was under SDS max, and we have the perfect, you understand, not the max.
Q1: The store?
xy2: 800 km in the tundra. The nearest. and the customer breathes in the back of the neck - by the evening, the controller must be equipped with a grid for the guards: He comes! Time - 14.00, evening = 17.00 (in general, 15.00, but it was possible to agree)
How did you run around the building in search of a storm/perf?
xy2: Then the stage passed: without time and guarantees does not work, and the search specialist at the interstate. They decided otherwise: the Bulgarian turned the fixer of the thunder into a cylindrical, sprinkling off the max heresy, and the transitional cartridge from the perf to the drill was finally useful... Everything was done on time, everyone is happy.
xy1: the harsh sabbaths of Aitishnik, the fucking...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna