— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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DDD> Boian (Boian) - archaeological culture of the Neolithic era (4th thousand years) to do. N N. E is.on the territory of Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria. ...when they say, “Well, this is already a battle,” it means that this topic is 5-6 thousand years old.

NNN> Well, to such heights I am far away, but my jokes in Novgorod berestines found, it is a fact.
The neighbor's cat attached a garden label for plants to the anti-bleach collar and wrote on it "Yah Kitty". And that same winter, the academician Zaliznyak told how the excavations found a berry plaque "I'm a Puppy" with two holes to bind to a puppy. At that moment I realized how many of my jokes were bearded...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna