— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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So it happened that my husband and I decided on extra-corporal fertilization (IVF). The reason is the male factor. And here, before another necessary manipulation in the department of gynecology, the head of the department examines my map and there is about the following dialogue:

by Зав. The eco? Why is? Ah, I see, the man’s reason, ah, ugu... Have you been fully examined already?

I - Yes

C is normal?

I – yes, it’s okay

Hmm... Well, you principally want to give birth to him, right?

I’m picking up the jaw from the table, yes.

Z - * leading the shoulder and drum already in the paper on the table * pfff, we have half the country does not grow and normally...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna