— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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That’s why the proportion of women in science is four times smaller. You claim to be a scientist, that is, you can count. If at first they were allegedly equal, but became four times smaller, it turns out that 75% were cut off due to copee's ignorance. Here are the men who stood up to all this "Nahui you this botanism", "you don't want to work normally like everyone", and the women immediately merged, ah.

The man. You were given an example. Example of the pressure that women have in addition (not to mention instead) to what men have. This is the only example, not a complete description of the situation. For example, you can read children’s books. My daughter, who loved black, metal and designers, after she went to school, began to love pink, doll and paint her lips. Because the role models, yes. Because the children are confident - I was in general, at her age, taught Lenin to love in this way. And they are now broadcast that the girls are gentle, quiet and economical, love to cook cakes, and not to mess with the iron. And so all the way. Someone is breaking through all this mud, yes. Someone is bound.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna