— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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All these winter fun.
HH: not mine
WOW: Yes
You just haven’t tried it.)
WOW: It is great!
Wow: and then wow, after skiing and in the bath, 50 grams of eggs under the cucumbers and in the stove, then you fly out so hot and dive into the snow! colic throughout the body, and running back into the steam under the wings, along the way do not forget 50 grams, so repeat 3 times
Then washed with shampoo, and at this time the fireplace is already burning and the strawberries are marinated.
We go to the house, there heat and the stove is melting, we sit down, we drink the ice night, we wait for a shale, a music on the background.
Q: When are we going out?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna