— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I go with a taxi driver.
No is. He did not listen to Mikhailov. Not an expert in politics.
A normal, decently dressed man (63 years old), with a very clean, literate speech. The old Moscovite.
Polite and so on.
He says:
I have to congratulate my granddaughter. Three years today.
We talked to him and we talked to his mother.
He said he brought a daughter to give birth. The doctors dropped in the corridor.
The hour passed. The second is coming.
I tell the doctors to help. She is bad. You understand the banquet. Nothing, they say. will wait. Her time has not yet come.
A good birthplace. the regional.
I say it is already blue. You will kill my child. And my granddaughter. Go away citizen. Everyone was born, she was not the first. We will soon start. And they do not start. I have a higher education. I act politely, according to the rules. And they do not hear. But you know, I have three more paths. A total of 15 years. And I gave myself a promise when I went out the last time that I would never go back into the past. But it seems time has come. I included everything I knew from there. He spoke in a language he tried to forget. About what I will do with them, how and where they will collect spare parts from themselves. You know, it worked. They rose from the table and went to give birth. Why can’t we talk to people like people? They just don’t listen to you. When you become a beast, everything happens.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna